We have seen some fantastic results here at Oasis Academy Blakenhale Junior and are continually proud of the achievements of our students. Our young people show determination, perseverance and outstanding development in their progress.
Year 6 pupils sit SATs examinations during May. The tests are in Maths, Reading and SPaG (Spelling, Punctuation and Grammar). Writing is assessed by the class teachers.
SATs Results 2019
Percentage of pupils achieving expected levels in RWM | 64% |
Average Progress between KS1 and KS2 for Reading | 1.9 points (Above average) |
Average Progress between KS1 and KS2 for Writing | 2.5 points (Above average) |
Average Progress between KS1 and KS2 for Maths | 0.9 points (Average) |
Percentage of pupils who achieved a higher standard in RWM | 2% |
Pupil's average score in the reading test | 104 |
Pupil's average score in the maths test | 103 |
A score of 100 in SATs tests indicates that the child is working at the expected standard for their age.
The Government has announced that it will not publish any school or college-level educational performance data based on tests, assessments or exams for 2020 or 2021.