Staff Training
Hays online packages that are offered;
· Health and Safety in education – 1hr
· Well-being first package:
Resilience Module – 15mins
Mindfulness module – 15 mins
Managing Stress – 10 mins
Relaxation module – 15 mins
Healthy Living – 15 mins
Life balance – 15 mins
The art of prioritisation – 15 mins
Mindset – 15 mins
Dealing with Stress – 15 mins
· Radicalisation and extremism / PREVENT – 15 mins
To access click here
To access Beacon Behaviour Support click here (username and password sent via email)
Back on task
Curb classroom disruption with our 3 proven scripts for managing challenging students. Use them in your class today and put the focus back on teaching and learning.
ADHD Calm and refocussed
Imagine your pupils with ADHD are calm, engaged and focussed on learning. Here are 6 simple things you can do to make that happen.
Lunchtime Masterplan
You'll walk away with a step-by-step masterplan for transforming lunchtimes that's specific to your school. You'll make lunchtimes for your students the best they can be... starting today.
Problem-free Playtimes
Want the children in your primary school to spend lunchtimes playing games that keep them active, occupied and happy? You're going to have everything you need to make this happen.
Managing Feelings Presentation
A done-for-you presentation about managing anger you can use with the children in your primary school.
Is it bullying?
A done-for-you presentation about the difference between bullying and meanness. Includes a poster to print and display, tips sheets and an activity worksheet.
How To De-escalate Like A Champion
Learn the secrets of the anger-cycle, amygdala hijack and our 'firebreak formula' to successfully manage emotion-fuelled confrontations.
How to write targets that actually change behaviour
Finally: a step-by-step guide for writing behaviour targets that actually drive change (harnessing the latest behavioural science)
How to set out your classroom for behaviour success
The classroom environment has a huge impact on student behaviour. Here's how to get yours right... by making small (but powerful) changes that improve student focus and minimise negative behaviour.
How to reset behaviour with tricky classes
Sometimes, you get a tricky class where behaviour gets in the way of learning. Here's how to put classroom behaviour back on the right track, even part way through the year.
How to coach pupils through strong emotions
Use our simple 3-step communication strategy to help your pupils thrive emotionally and socially. Teach them how to self-regulate by recognising, naming and managing their own stress responses.
How to prevent meltdowns
Learn what drives pupils with autism to experience meltdowns... plus 15 simple, practical strategies you can use in your classroom to prevent meltdowns from happening in the first place.
How To Help Pupils Reframe Confrontation
Do some of your students believe the world is out to get them - and overreact to even the smallest problem? This simple resource will help them choose a different response to life's difficulties.
How To Use Praise To Improve Classroom Behaviour
Want more positive behaviour in your classroom? Then knowing how to use effective praise is essential. Here's how to get praise right (and how to make sure it doesn't backfire on you!)
100s of free courses available. Need to sign up to get access click here
Apple Teacher is a free professional learning programme designed to support and celebrate educators using Apple products for teaching and learning. As an educator, you can build skills on iPad and Mac that directly apply to activities with your students, earn recognition for the new things that you learn and be rewarded for the great work you do every day. Click here to access
To access training modules in all Microsoft Office click here
Education City webinar click here for booking form (limited number of places - may need to contact Education City to see if more sessions are being held)
Microsoft Teams
There are a number of opportunities for you to participate in Microsoft Teams seminars.
This weeks seminars...
Thursday 2nd April
10 - 11 am - Getting Started with the Microsoft Teams app
13:30 - 14:40 - Getting started with your own Team (inside Microsoft Teams)
Friday 3rd April
10:00 - 11:00 Managing Teams and channels
If you encounter any issues please contact Chris
SEND training opportunities
Click here to access the training
Understanding autism,
Introduces the autism spectrum, how it is experienced by different individuals and families, and why it is a global concern. The course explains how ideas about autism have evolved and explores diagnosis, causes, intervention and life-span development. Widely varying perspectives on autism are illustrated and key societal and cross-cultural issues highlighted.
Making Sense of Dyslexia: Education for Children and Young People
· Introduction to Dyslexia and Inclusive Practice
· Supporting Dyslexia, Inclusive Practice and Literacy
Dyslexia: Identification and Support
Range of free videos for teachers on
Supporting children with difficulties in reading and writing
Focuses on children and young people’s speech, language and communication development. It looks at how you can support the development of these skills on a day-to-day basis in your setting, and how to spot children and young people who might be struggling to develop these important skills.
Social and Emotional
Teaching Students Who Have Suffered Complex Trauma
Find out what complex trauma is, how it affects children and adolescents, and what can be done to help.
This free course, Attachment in the early years, covers theory and research in the area of attachment in early childhood. In the 1950s, John Bowlby was the first person to develop a theory about the significance of early attachments between caregivers and very young children. His work has stimulated a massive and very productive field of research with important implications for childcare.
Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) An Introduction to ACEs; Brain Development in the Early Year; The Impact of Childhood Adversity; Social, Health and Community Impacts of ACEs Early Trauma; Protective Factors; Looking at ACEs Through a Trauma; Informed Lens; Building Resilience
Below you will find videos about TEAMs and teaching online...